16 October 2022

First Ten Verbs (Oct 2022 edition)

A propos of nuthin much, here's a repeat of an old exercise for the writers out there:

The task is simple: open your current/newest writing project and then list the FIRST TEN VERBS which appear in that project.

I learned this trick/game back in college when a writing prof was trying to drive home the point of active aggressive forceful writing versus limp and lazy passive writing. If you do this and find yourself listing a bunch of "is" and "are" and "seems" and such, maybe it's time to go back and turn up the heat and add a bit more sizzle.

I have a new project I just started toying with, and as usual I like to scribble out an opening and closing scene to help me nail the tone and the possible trajectory of the story. I have a handful of opening pages done, and here are the first ten verbs (so far):












Yes, it's a silly simple trick, but it's fun and sometimes useful to help show you if you are writing flaccid lazy passive prose.

Try it. Or don't. Your nickel.

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