I've had a few folks ask about status on some projects (including at least one question here on the blog), so I updated the progress bars and here's some blather:
STATUS: COMPLETED! OUT TO TALENT!No substantive changes to the piece since Nicholl, though a few "customized" tweaks have been made to create special drafts tuned for specific possible leads. Obviously no great glorious news to report, and the looming possibility of SAG/AFTRA labor problems is creating a tough environment for pieces like this which pretty much require strong talent support up front, but still... hope springs infernal.
STATUS: COMPLETED! OUT TO STUDIOS!I'm tweaking and polishing some second act stuff to improve the piece. A sneak peek to a prodco brought some cool comments and praise, but (again, obviously) no great and glorious news or paydays. Still, the concept is fun, teh title too great, and the tagline too perfect for someone to NOT take serious notice, so again, as soon as the smoke from the Great Labor Fiasco of '08 clears, perhaps grand things will happen.
STATUS: INTO CONTESTS, BUT NEEDS WORK...Managed to get a workable revised draft ready for some contests (even if only to say "yeah, I entered..."), but the piece needs some more work. Actually, now that I (and lots of others) have seen INDY 4, this piece might be DOA, as a LOT of very cool beats and moments and concepts are so similar to stuff in the Spielberg blockbuster that many readers would likely (and incorrectly) shrug and say "oh, well, it's just a rip-off of Indy." I (and my kids) love the story and characters here, but this might be useful only as a demo piece to show action-adventure chops. And so it goes.
STATUS: 30 PAGES AND COUNTING....The month of May was hectic in the extreme (as usual) so little useful work went on here. Still, the material is there, and I am just working to make the barest framework of a story stand still long enough for me to hang the moments and visuals on the frame so that the insanity looks and feels like a movie rather than a thematically linked series of vignettes and memories. This is the big item on the to-do list right now.
STATUS: 20 PAGES AND COUNTING...Not sure The Agents are super-keen on this concept, but no matter, as I AM keen on it, and I get a warm fuzzy excited feeling whenever I review what few pages are in the books here. I have an increasingly clear mental image for what this is supposed to be, and the last time I had this feeling it was for LILYA< so perhaps that's a good sign, or perhaps it's just a warning that I am again well into an impossible project. Time till tell.
STATUS: OUTLINING...Not a lot to share on this, but there is a stupidly funny idea and a stupidly weird take on it and a stupidly cool funk of possibility to this project, but for reasons too dumb to go into no work can go on for now. For now.
STATUS: BRAINSTORMING...This is the "rainy day" project I doodle on when nothing else seems to be going right. I have some cool location ideas which then lead to story ideas (it makes more sense if I explain that, but I'm not explaining it yet so deal with it), but I can see a sweet little movie that I am now describing as "a Christmas movie for folks who don't like Christmas movies."
STATUS: AWAITING A PAGE ONE REWRITE...This one needs major work, and distance away from the project will eventually make that work easier. Sounds good in theory, anyway.
STATUS: BRAINSTORMING...I still love the characters and setting and tone and the opening and ending and some specific beats, but I have no idea when I will find time to come back and do this one justice. I might force myself just to try something... well... "out there.".
STATUS: IN DRYDOCK"In drydock" sounds so much happier and laden with potential than does "deader 'en hell," so we'll stick with the former.
And thus we stand.
Trust me-- if/when there's reason to crow, it will be heard locally and hard to overlook.
gloat-ready B