10 April 2008

stale links

I am prone to laziness when it comes to matters of housekeeping and general tidiness.

My focus tends to be pragmatic -- often I am consumed by the major issues or goals at hand, and anything that helps deliver progress toward those goals deserves attention and thought, while anything which doesn't, doesn't. So while having a Martha Stewart style clean orderly kitchen might look pretty and wow the neighbors if ever they swing by to borrow a cup of frozen who gives a shit, at the end of the day having some random clutter on the counter in my kitchen doesn't much change or improve my ability to write a screenplay well, or to coach a youth sports team well, or teach my kids to focus their attention and effort on their studies and personal goals and interests, or any of the other things which *do* matter to me.

Add to that list of shruggables the matter of "Maintaining and Upgrading the Sidebar Links on my Blog."

Yes, in a perfect world, my blog would be a gleaming perfect portal to everything of relevance and value to any right-thinking human being (as it is, of course), but in the actual world I can admit with no shame or concern that the links on the right are... perhaps not so up to date. There are sites listed which no longer exist, their hosts having long ago shuttered the accounts and turned their time towards goldfish repair or gladiola cookery or whatever. There are other sites which have gone largely silent -- still there in the technical sense but now of so little value and relevance that if/when they do finally go totally dark, few folks will likely notice. There are sites which once seemed intriguing but which now seem far less intriguing and link-worthy (and while that seems a harsh thing to say, I defy anyone to dispute the thesis). And there are lots of cool sites which I probably ought to link but which I do not.

And it's not like I have so much extra time laying around in piles that I can just devote an hour or two to buffing the blob (which sounds somehow pornographic...). I have far more important things to do than fix my blog.

Such as... "blogging about not having time to fix my blog."

Irony: it's not just a word -- it's what we do.™


wcmartell said...

Well, I often blog about not having time to blog, so blogging about not having time to fix your blog just seems normal to me.

Other things that seem normal to me: having a producer ask for an extra copy of my script because he's run out of toilet paper.

- Bill

aggiebrett said...

Time is a gas -- it expands to occupy any given volume, and can be compressed when need be to reduce volume (and that process then creates heat and pressure).

I was just looking at some of my sidebar links, realizing how many are out of date or no longer on my list of regular stops, and was surprised that I felt so little interest in addressing the issue. It's not a time function, but rather an interest function.

We make time for what we deem important. We rationalize the lack of time for all that we deem irrelevant.

The trick is to make sure we know when we are lying to ourselves on this process.

Kerwood Derby said...
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Kerwood Derby said...
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Kerwood Derby said...

Stupid tags.

What I really meant to say was something along the line of:

Irony: it's not just a word -- it's what we do.™

Mmm hmm.